Elite Obsolete Electronics Shipping Policy
The estimated delivery date is based on the seller's handling time, the shipping service selected, and when the seller receives cleared payment. In certain cases, the estimated delivery date will vary. By knowing the estimated delivery date, you can determine how long it will take to receive your item.
Handling time
Standard handling time for most orders is 1-3 business days. Sellers are required to specify how long they will take to package and ship the item after receiving cleared payment. Sellers may select a handling time between same business day and 30 business days.
Shipping services
Some shipping services provide an estimate for the number of days that it will take the carrier to deliver the item to the buyer. This transit time does not include the seller's handling time. Transit time includes normal weekdays. Often Saturdays, Sundays, and major holidays are not included in transit time estimates.
International Customs Duties & Import Taxes
When a package is shipped internationally, it may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and/or fees imposed by the destination country. These charges will typically be due once the shipped goods arrive at the country of destination.
Such charges are not included in the product price or shipping and handling cost. These charges are the buyerβs responsibility as we are only charging the transportation fee for your order.
In the event a package is lost by the delivery courier, a refund will be processed once the courier verifies the package is in fact lost.
Orders placed using the services of any international mail / parcel forwarding service will not be accepted. Orders must be addressed to the intended recipient's delivery address. Any & all orders placed utilizing an international mail / parcel forwarding service will be promptly canceled & refunded.